Living Room

How to Choose Furniture According to Feng Shui Principles

In this article, we will review the principles of Feng shui that will help you in choosing furniture that will increase the “Chi” level in your house. Read now

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The Feng shui is a traditional practice, derived from Taoist philosophy. Feng shui aims to find balance and harmony between elements. 

The meaning of “Feng” is wind and the meaning of “shui ” is water. Both of these natural elements keep flowing and moving in our world. 

The state of flow is called “Chi”, or energy, and by implementing the principles of  Feng shui, you will increase the presence of “Chi” and let it flow easily in the house.

In this article, we will review the principles of Feng shui that will help you in choosing furniture that will increase the “Chi” level in your house.

The Five Elements of Feng Shui

Feng shui is based on five elements: wood, metal, earth, water and fire.

Each element represents a different form of energy and expressed in different colors and shapes.


Wood stands for growth and vitality. The colors associated with wood are blue and green. Columnar shapes are associated with the wood element.


Metal stands for logic and intelligence. The colors associated with metal are white, gray, and metallic. The shapes associated with wood are spherical and round.


Earth stands for stability and balance. The colors associated with earth are brown, orange and yellow. The shape associated with the earth is a square.


Water stands for wisdom and serenity. The colors associated with water are black and very dark blue. Curvy, wavy shapes are associated with water.


Fire stands for the energy of passion. The color associated with fire is red. The shape associated with wood is the triangle.

The key is to have a balance between all of these elements.

Before buying furniture for a specific room (you need to) ask yourself:

What Elements Are Missing from This Room?

Write down on a piece of paper all the objects that are in the room, and with which elements you think this object is associated with according to its purpose, its colors, and its shape. 

Sum up the points for each element and see which element has the lowest amount of points.

What Elements Are Important for This Room?

For example: for the children’s room you would like a strong presence of wood (growth and vitality), for the living room a strong presence of earth element (stability and balance), and for the office, you would like a strong presence of water (wisdom and serenity).

Once you determine which element should be represented by the new furniture, it will be much easier to find the right furniture for your house.

General Feng Shui Principles to Keep in Mind when Buying Furniture

  • Make sure the furniture doesn’t block air and light from getting in.
  • Make sure that in the living room, and in the kitchen there is a comfortable sitting place for each one of the family members to maintain harmony.
  • The furniture should be placed to invite conversation, harmony and interaction. A common mistake is to set all sitting places in the living room towards the television and that blocks interaction.
  • Remove all objects that have negative associations. For example, objects that were given to you by people you dislike (ex’s), broken objects etc..
  • Avoid harsh angles that block the flow of energy.
  • Add natural objects to your home, plants, pets. But make sure they are thriving. Avoid caged birds or fish in small aquariums. remove dying or dead plants.
  • Place chairs, sofas, beds to face the door as much as possible.
  • Combine masculine and feminine elements in the room to achieve a harmonious balance.

Your opinion is important to us!

Do you have more suggestions on how to choose furniture according to feng shui principles? Let us know in the comments bellow or contact us!

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