If there is one hiking equipment you should not economize on, it is the hiking shoes. Hiking boots generally last a long time. Resistant they are, at some point they will be need to be replaced, and better to do it before it’s too late (in the middle of a few days hike for example).
If your hiking shoes start to look weary, it’s time to consider buying a new pair of hiking shoes.
Here my story, my loyal walkers started to show cracks at the sole, exactly at the attachment with the shoe. I then had two choices: wait until I lose the sole (exactly halfway through a walk?) Or you to start looking for a new pair of hiking shoes in.

After consulting with a few hiking experts in different stores, I summarized their tips on brought them in a single, detailed article. So without further ado, here are a few handy tips for amateur hikers to keep in mind when buying new hiking boots.
No matter how resistant hiking boots are, at some point they will be need to be replaced, and better to do it before it’s too late.
Which type of hiking boots do you NEED?
There are many different hiking shoes. In general, hiking and mountaineering shoes are divided into four classes, simply labeled from A to D. D class boots are for mountaineers.
‘A’ Class Hiking Boots – Light and Simple
A light hiking shoe with a flexible sole which is suitable for shorter walks on good paths.
‘B’ Class Hiking Boots – Ankle Support
Higher walking shoes with ankle support. These shoes are suitable for mountainous terrain.
‘C’ Class Hiking Boots – Long Hikes
High walking shoes with a sturdy and stiff sole. The shoes are suitable for uneven terrain and multi-day walking tours.
‘D’ Class Hiking Boots – Heavy Duty
A heavy, high mountain shoe with a very sturdy sole, where crampons can often also be mounted. These shoes are usually less comfortable.
An A / B / C class shoe will suffice for the “average” (mountain) walker. Relatively new are the so-called “Trail running” shoes. These are sporty shoes that are actually made to run up a mountain. So before you go to the store, ask yourself what type of walk you use your shoe for.
Try your new walking shoes with the right socks
It may sound a bit silly, but cut your toenails before you try your new shoes. Toenails that are too long prevent a shoe from sitting comfortably or make it harder to feel the right size.
An A / B / C class shoe will suffice for the “average” (mountain) walker.
Good walking socks are also important. These come in different thicknesses. Take the pair that you will probably wear the most.
Don’t let looks or the brand’s name to influence your decision
When trying out hiking shoes, try not to be guided by the color or looks of the new boots. The most important thing is the shoes to be functional and that they fit your feet and walking style.

There are many good brands for hiking shoes. The one brand often fits better with a wide or a narrower foot. Try multiple brands and get advice from the seller; he often knows what the ‘average foot’ of a certain brand is. A pair of comfortable walking shoes can greatly enhance your hiking pleasure. And vice versa. Poorly fitting shoes can seriously ruin your day.
Put them on at home and break in your walking shoes
Once you have purchased shoes, it is best to try them at home for a few hours. Walk up and down the stairs a few times. If you notice that they are not comfortable, you can exchange them at a good specialist store. Are they a good fit? Then it is always nice to use your hiking boots a number of times before you really go on a (hiking) holiday.
Your opinion is important to us!
Do you have more suggestions on how to choose hiking boots? Let us know in the comments bellow or contact us!